Society has been telling me that today is the day when you come up with a list of your top [insert number here] [insert general category here] of 2008, and then go on to list [insert other number here] things that you plan to change in 2009. I’m not sure if there is some sort of punishment for non-compliance, but I figure I’ll be proactive just in case.
- I got a new job.
- We moved to Colorado.
- Steve got a new job.
- Steve got a new job.
- We visited Phoenix.
- We visited Las Vegas.
- We turned 24 and 25.
- We watched a ton of Tivo and Netflix.
- We walked around in nature.
- We ate pizza, burritos, and little else.
5 Things I Say I’ll Change in 2009
- Take more pictures that have one or both of us in them. Someday we’ll want to show our kids what we looked like when we were young and adventurous.
- Eat fruits and veggies. Burrito lettuce and pizza sauce don’t count.
- Drink water, not soda. (Mmmm… soda.)
- Reduce the level of crap Steve has to put up with from me just slightly.
- Wear socks that in some way match my other clothing items (don’t really care much about that one, just noticed my blue socks are a bit obvious with my brown pants and shoes).
Also, I must be ready to put my husband through grad school this year. I’m thinking about writing a Lifetime movie about it. Less Chipotle: Rachel’s Story – The true story of a young woman who makes minor sacrifices for one calendar year while her husband gets an interesting and highly marketable degree.
Happy New Year!