Friday, April 27, 2007

Motivate me

Rachel and I had been doing very well with our running regimen but we are slacking lately. Throw in the occasional stormy cold day here and a few evening work responsibilities there and you have a recipe for a potent motivation killer. We read in Runner's World magazine that a good way to stay motivated was to report the amount of time/distance you ran on your blog for all your family/other reader's (yeah right)to see. I guess it will make you want to run more to show off or not look like slackers. I have decided to do this to see how it works and for the additional benefit of giving you something daily to look forward to.

Date: 4/26/07
Distance/Time: 0 miles in 0 minutes
Pathetic Excuse: A dangerous combination of hunger and The Office

1 comment:

Mark A Hanna said...

You're right. That's pathetic. The thing I like about "maturity" is no longer having to come up with excuses. I have just come to accept that I'm pathetic.