Friday, September 14, 2007

Over my head…

This past week has not been my favorite. I was sick from last Friday until Wednesday, and this morning, the people at my work keep saying, “Aww… we can tell you still don’t feel well.” Loosely translated that means, “You look like you’ve been run over by a truck. I can’t believe you left the house looking that way.” In any case, I was out of work all day Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, which means I’m playing catch up. This consists mostly of returning e-mails and then waiting for replies from people who have already left for the weekend…

And, why didn’t anyone remind me that school sucks before I went back? Grad school is remarkably like undergrad. The standards are lower than what I thought they would be, but motivating to actually do the work is not fun. Coming home at the end of a long day of work and having to pull some random “facts” out of your “head” is not my idea of a good time.

Case in point, last night I was working on a very vague assignment about making a chart with our strengths and weaknesses as a K-12 principal. Since I have never been, nor do I want to become, a K-12 principal, I found the assignment rather difficult. I was up until 1 a.m. trying to figure out what I could turn in that would possibly give me some points.

Of course this hasn’t stopped me from trying to decide what my next degree will be. Do they have a 12-step program for academia?

Hopefully a weekend filled with money (we sold our car!), beautiful weather, and some kind of organizational system to keep us afloat until December will do me some good.

Remember last time I said I wanted to work at Starbucks? It’s sounding pretty good again.

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