Our place feels a little bit like stepping into a Crate and Barrel catalog (or a Target rip-off of an Crate and Barrel catalog). It's simple, neutral with a few bright accent pieces, sparse wall decorations, and only one photo displayed in the whole apartment. It's definitely the clean, simple, zen look we were going for.
It's a huge contrast to my room in high school. Anything that could be thumbtacked to a wall was displayed proudly, including shopping bags, posters, photos of my friends, and the shorts that Tom Delonge signed at OBC. My comforter was covered with monkeys and palm trees, and I had a collection of tacky, beach-themed items including my prized pink flamingo clock. And the best part was that every morning I woke up to my boys:
Now it definitely didn't look like your typical Pottery Barn Teenage Girl Room A, but it was mine and I loved it. Every part of it, good or bad, was a reflection of me.
Maybe that's why I blog now. I'm sure Steve wouldn't be super keen on waking up to Mark, Tom, and Travis, but I do have this virtual space that is mine to express myself authentically, even if it's a little raw sometimes. Good or bad, it's a reflection of me. And just like my room, I don't care if it's what other people think it should be. It's mine, and I love it.
Well said. Oh, and I love your apartment now, and your room back in high school sounds totally cool! I don't think Steve would mind waking up to Blink...he used to wake up to Mike Piazza.
You are my daughter in whom I am well pleased. I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to cope with the nostalgia of this season in combination with our "empty nest". Thank heaven that you and Steve have graciously invited us to share the holiday with you and Rebecca. I will always cherish the years you were home, just as I will learn to treasure the life that you and Steve are creating together. I love you!
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