Rachel and I wanted to poll our audience on who they will be voting for President of the United States. Feel free to explain your vote in the comments section below if you wish and just like in the real election you are only allowed one vote.
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I voted for Barack Obama because I feel any other choice is whack.
I am voting for Barack Obama tomorrow because I feel that any other choice would be detrimental to our country and I don't want to have to move to Denmark. I hate the cold.
I voted for Barack Obama because is the more competent choice. If he's elected (oh please God), I look forward to feeling secure with who is running the country instead of ashamed and doubtful.
I voted for Barack Obama because he is brilliant.
John McCain lacks intelligence and character.
We need someone who is capable - to manage the cleaning up of the gigantic mess the Republicans have made of our country.
I voted for Obama, mostly because my views on the major issues match up better with his than McCain's. I honestly don't think McCain would be a horrible leader either...but then there's the very real prospect that Palin could become president...enough said
In a season of many promises, two men made promises to the American people
“In a widely expected decision, Sen. Barack Obama announced this morning that his Democratic presidential bid will reject public financing, abandoning an earlier pledge to participate in the system if his Republican challenger agreed to do the same.
It will be the first time a presidential nominee has not agreed to limit his spending and accept public financing since the system was put in place in 1976. The Illinois Democrat would have been entitled to about $84 million in public money for his general election effort.
Presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain of Arizona has taken steps to accept the public funds for the general election.” John McCormick ChicagoTribune.com
The system is the same as it was when Obama made the commitment to abide by public financing last year. He says he supports public financing. I guess that his positions are only solid when they benefit him. Posted by: Bill Rodman | June 19, 2008 9:34 AM
One kept his word, one didn’t. Apparently integrity lost over expediency. But then, since you are the messiah, you make your own laws.
Making your own laws like firing people when they don't obey your command? Claiming to know God's will in matters of building pipelines and fighting wars?
If Obama's one transgression is breaking a promise to the American people regarding financing then they will have to decide if they forgive him, like I have, when they get into the voting booth. If enough do and he wins the election, in my opinion, it becomes a non issue.
There is more at stake at this election than how the campaigns were financed. I also believe there have been far more revealing traits regarding both of the candidates integrity and character than this one issue. Again, in my opinion, in matter of character and integrity, Obama has come out WAY on top.
Did my Dad click on McCain 3 times or are there other people that read this blog that support McCain. I don't blame you for not commenting but if you feel like making yourself known, my curious mind would greatly appreciate it.
I voted for Obama because...
I'm in complete agreement with the majority of people who read your blog.
I'm also impressed with your voting program. I want one for Christmas.
Let’s correct the record
This is an interesting commentary from an observer outside the country.
Maybe it’s not a bad idea to have a conversation every morning and night with God. Who knows what one might learn? Just this morning I spoke with God. He likes the idea of a pipeline, as long as the caribou aren’t disturbed, but he’s not too keen about SNL and definitely not a Countdown fan.
And finally, I do not, nor have I ever, worked for ACORN. I tend to follow directions, so … I did not vote multiple times.
In answer to many who have asked....
Why did I vote for McCain?
Being from Arizona, I have known of McCain for many years. I appreciate his military record. Though not perfect, he has shown true character in the most difficult of times. I appreciate character. I have seen how he has conducted himself as a senator. I appreciate how he has shown wisdom in most of his voting record. I appreciate people who exercise wisdom and are not so short-sighted. He is human, and therefore not perfect, but the majority of his life, he has displayed integrity. Even when I have not agreed with his stand on illegal immigration and a couple of other issues, I appreciate that he's not afraid to say what he believes to be true, even if it means he is going against his own party.
People of integrity are very hard to find now days; especially, our government officials. Most people change what they say depending on what audience they are addressing. They are short-sighted and feel the end justifies the means. This attitude leads to corruption and dishonesty. These people lack integrity. I don't see this in John McCain, and I believe he is truly a man of integrity, with a goodness that reflects in his countenance. I have found that McCain is far better at standing by what he says. That's not to say people aren't allowed a change of opinion, because they are. However, a change of opinion does not vascillate back and forth depending on the audience that someone is addressing.
Spring 2000, my son, TJ, came home one day all excited, because he had just heard McCain speak on a radio program. He knew nothing of McCain, and was delighted to tell me all he had heard. This was TJ's first year to vote, so he was paying particular attention. TJ did not know I was already impressed with McCain, so he took time to tell me about McCain's attributes. TJ's opinion was important to me, as all that knew TJ recognized the gift he had for discerning true character in people. That Spring, I worked on McCain's campaign, and later had a brief meeting with him. I was even more impressed with McCain in person. The world would be a different place if the majority of people had that same gift of seeing as clearly as TJ.
Why did I not vote for Obama?
I saw an interview of an FBI official who said that because of Obama's associations and not disclosing certain records (such as health/school records), he would not be qualified to receive the security clearance necessary for becoming an FBI agent. I find it very disconcerting that the man who would have the highest of security clearance of anyone in the world, would not pass an FBI test. I think he lacks judgement in the people he chooses to associate with, or maybe he is just an opportunist.... neither of which are impressive. I also hear things he says that contradict his actions. I do not see him as a man that has proven his integrity or character. I am surprised at all those who want change so badly that they are happy to jump from the frying pan into the fire, just because it's "change".... I personally would want to be out of the heat completely, and I don't believe Obama will give us that.
I think we are in for some very tough times ahead, no matter who wins. Economically, there will be many challenges. The world will be even more dangerous. Obama most likely will win, and I hope he will show enough judgement to bring in strong advisors and make correct choices - though, I have not seen previous evidence that he is able to do so. I hope to heaven that I am wrong. If not, we will most likely see another depression, or at the very least, an aggravated decline in our economy. I hope that in 4 years, at the end of his first term, I will be able to write all of you and say I was wrong. Believe me, I do NOT want to be right about Obama. If he gets in, I hope that all of you will be right, and he will be able to make society better. I just don't see that happening....
I think we all see what we want to see in the candidates that best represent our own ideals and hopes for the future. Perhaps neither candidate is best for the job and there is a third party out there that would have been the greatest President ever *cough* Green Party candidate *cough*, but because of our two party system, we will never know. Plus we need to ditch the electoral college because if you really think about it, our votes don't really matter unless the people chosen to represent us really follow our lead.
Oh yeah, Dad, you totally got owned by Steve! =O)
Thank you for voting and commenting. I appreciate the fact that people felt comfortable sharing their opinions. However, I am suspicious of the poll, not because McCain made a sudden comeback but because there is no way 18 people read this blog.
Anyway, Happy Election Day!
I took you up on your advice and talked to God this morning.
Turns out She is alright with homosexuals marrying and very much supports a woman's right to choose.
Thanks for the tip. :)
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