I have been thinking a lot about the 2008 presidential race and who I would like to support as my candidate of choice. Every candidate seems to have a different issue that they have decided is most pressing yet I still don't know where my priorities are so I am asking you to help. I want you to tell me which candidate (or candidates if you are undecided between two) you hope to be president and why. Republican or Democrat, I want to know why it is that you think this person will be the best one to run the country.
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Hooray! Looks like your favorite father-in-law is going to be the first to comment :-)
I continue to be impressed by Barak Obama because I believe he genuinely embodies the hopeful change that well may be America's last best chance to restore our reputation of world leadership with integrity. I cannot see how his "lack of experience" in the ways of D.C. can possibly be a liability.
I support what Steve is attempting to do here. With as much strong opinion being expressed every where we turn, I appreciate any forum open to everyman.
One reason I choose independence is for the greater, less partisan variety of choices.
Watching "Meet the Press" this morning helped me understand that if I was asked which Republican candidate I would vote for, my answer would be Ron Paul.
I think that a bipartisan Obama/Paul choice would be just the ticket for a way past our current predicament.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Obama. Now go watch the Wire. It's his favorite TV show, apparently. We have a lot in common.
But the real reason is that I read an article a while back in The Atlantic that convinced me he is best candidate for our country and it's present day challenges.
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