Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Morally Green

The pope wants to make environmental sustainability a moral obligation (as if it wasn't already).

According to sources, the Pope is expected to use his first speech to the United Nations “to deliver a powerful warning over climate change in a move to adopt protection of the environment as a “moral” cause for the Catholic Church and its billion-strong following.” He’s likely to push for sustainable development, saying earlier in the month that there “is pressing need for science and religion to work together to safeguard the gifts of nature and to promote responsible stewardship”.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Talk about a conversation piece

NYC Garbage in a Box

Someday I will have something more substantial to write about.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More from treehugger

The website treehugger.com is quickly becoming one of my favorite sources for environmental news and information. It also provides information about things I would never think about. Science is crazy.

Will Melting Mammoth Poo Speed Up Climate Change?

I think I spotted a few words in there that Kyra might enjoy.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I recommend the long list

Simple Living Manifesto

Over my head…

This past week has not been my favorite. I was sick from last Friday until Wednesday, and this morning, the people at my work keep saying, “Aww… we can tell you still don’t feel well.” Loosely translated that means, “You look like you’ve been run over by a truck. I can’t believe you left the house looking that way.” In any case, I was out of work all day Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, which means I’m playing catch up. This consists mostly of returning e-mails and then waiting for replies from people who have already left for the weekend…

And, why didn’t anyone remind me that school sucks before I went back? Grad school is remarkably like undergrad. The standards are lower than what I thought they would be, but motivating to actually do the work is not fun. Coming home at the end of a long day of work and having to pull some random “facts” out of your “head” is not my idea of a good time.

Case in point, last night I was working on a very vague assignment about making a chart with our strengths and weaknesses as a K-12 principal. Since I have never been, nor do I want to become, a K-12 principal, I found the assignment rather difficult. I was up until 1 a.m. trying to figure out what I could turn in that would possibly give me some points.

Of course this hasn’t stopped me from trying to decide what my next degree will be. Do they have a 12-step program for academia?

Hopefully a weekend filled with money (we sold our car!), beautiful weather, and some kind of organizational system to keep us afloat until December will do me some good.

Remember last time I said I wanted to work at Starbucks? It’s sounding pretty good again.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

SO mad

Today I got this e-mail from my friend Nikki:

Dear Friends,

As you all know, my brother Roger got out of the Marines almost 2 years ago and moved to Washington state to start college. He's really been loving it, doing well in classes, exploring the forests, camping and hiking and spent the summer working for the Fish & Wildlife service to restore salmon habitats.

This week as he started his 4th semester, Roger got notice from the Marines that at the end of the month, they're calling him back, and will be testing him to see if he is still fit to serve, after which he may have 5 months of training and be re-called into service for another 2 years.

Please keep him and my Mom in your thoughts.

Love and hugs,


Roger and Nikki were two of the first people I met when I moved to Las Vegas. They are both amazing people, and I've often told people how much I admire them for never having a bad word to say about anyone. Roger is not your typical marine. He's a carefree, laid back guy with an infectious laugh. He's a whiz with mechanical-type junk. He's the kind of person who can take electronics completely apart and then put them back together again - which sometimes leads to speakers contained in shoeboxes.

Roger served his time in the military. He was obviously not happy to have any part of the war in Iraq, but he followed through with his duty. And now that he was back in school, he seemed so happy again. Like he had finally gotten his life back.

The seething anger I feel right now knowing that our government is taking advantage of such a sweet, generous guy - forcing him back into a deadly situation because they can't find any new people dumb enough to sign up to give their lives in a war that we're not even sure why we got in to or how we'll ever get out of - is just indescribable.

Roger shouldn't have to go back until Jenna and Barbara Bush are over in Iraq with AK-47s, instead of planning hoity-toity weddings to young republican cronies.

Our Trip in Photos - Part I

The Fort Collins/Estes Park set

Hopefully we'll have the Boulder/Denver/Casa Bonita set up soon. We're coming dangerously close to maxing out our Flickr basic account though, so you may have to just imagine those places.