Monday, November 12, 2007

Missing My Steve-o and My Tivo

So after being gone for 10 of the past 14 days, I never plan to leave the house again. You'll have to pry my cold, dead fingers from the door. In the end, I'm glad that every once in a while I can show myself that I can be a world (or regional) traveler, and survive. But I really don't enjoy it. I don't like flying, I don't like staying in hotels and drying my face with towels that have touched millions of people's nether-regions, or eating fast food for every meal, or hanging out with "conference people."

I'm a lame home body, I'm willing to admit it, so by the end of this last trip I could barely hold it together.

But when I got home, Steve had an immaculate house waiting for me, with pizza, cookie dough and cherry coke inside. Then we watched The Office and Scrubs which he swore he hadn't watched without me. And everything was ok again because Steve is hands down the most amazing person in the world.

Being at the conference was a good reminder that I really need to set my priorities. And becoming a higher education marketing executive really isn't at the top of my list. Where that leaves me I'm not sure, but I'm sure I'll figure it all out.

Also, think good thoughts for Steve who is clawing his way up the corporate ladder. He should find out about his job early this week.


Steve said...

"Steve is hands down the most amazing person in the world."

Hard to argue...

Mark A Hanna said...

You are "hands down" the most remarkable couple I know (yours truly and your mother the proverbial exception). What a blessing it is for all that you love each other and find meaningful ways of expressing it. You are without qualification the hope of both the present and the future. I love you both!