Thursday, June 21, 2007

My sad little Internet social circle…

It’s amazing how getting into the blogosphere can make you feel so connected and so alone at the same time. I love being able to read about what’s happening with my family and friends, even when I don’t get a chance to talk to them every day.

But unfortunately, I’ve also crossed over to the dark side of the blog viewing world. I’ve become a mommy blog addict. This might be fine for people who are, say, actually moms. But I’m supposed to be enjoying my DINK phase, concentrating on work and looking forward to grad school. So why do so many of my conversations start with, “Did you see dooce’s picture where Chuck is…?” or “Did you see that Rude Cactus and So The Fish Said… are selling their house? Mia learned to say [fill in the blank], isn’t that cute?”

Becca and Steve have equated my addiction with watching soaps, which is probably pretty accurate. I remember my Grandma Jean and cousin Jennie talking about As The World Turns characters like they were friends, chatting with each other about how they couldn’t believe that Hunter would cheat on Mirabelle with Anastasia.

But these are real people, and in some ways I know much more about them than I do my neighbors or even some friends. I think that’s some kind of statement about our society, but I’m not really sure what it means.

And even though it’s a little pathetic, I think I’ll keep reading every detail and living my late twenties and early thirties vicariously through them. At least I’ll be prepared.


Mark A Hanna said...

What can I say?

Anonymous said...

After checking out your links, I think I'm hooked, too :-)