Monday, July 30, 2007

August Announcements

This was supposed to be Steve’s blog, but he’s busy working on selling our car. So here are our August announcements:

You’re going down, Dejo!

Steve and I are engaging in a little friendly competition to see who can raise more money for the Climb to Conquer Cancer on August 18. Choose you sides wisely. Remember who provides you hours of entertaining blogging per week and who can’t be bothered to post…

Click here to donate to Team Rachel (Yay! Woo hoo! Way to go!)

Click here to donate to Team Steve (Boo! Hiss!)

Expect this to be the biggest battle since Kristin/LC.


From the couple that brought you, “Sorry, we just became vegetarians!” right before the delicious Easter ham comes another crazy way to make things difficult for you to be our hosts. For the entire month of August, we have decided to go vegan. Just for curiosity's sake. So that means no cheese, no eggs, no yogurt, no milk, no ice cream, very few baked goods, no butter, well you get the picture… I don’t think this one will be a permanent lifestyle change, but who knows?!

In the mean time we will be eating lots of tofu stir-fy, brown rice, veggies, fruits, black beans, and vegan protein bars. Oh, and soy cheese pizza. Aren’t you so excited to hang out with us?

P.S. This happens to coincide with Bryan and Colleen’s three months of no sweets, so if we’re all really cranky, you may need to throw us a donut.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I ever come across a vegan donut, I'll keep you guys in mind:) I admire your commitment. Good luck!

And thanks for picking up the blogging slack, Rachel. I really enjoy reading your entries!