Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Another boring blog from Rachel...

I have a very hard time living in the now. I think it's one of the sources of a lot of my stress. Not only am I trying to deal with all of today's issues, I'm trying to figure out which brand of support hose will be best when my knees finally go, when the right age will be to switch over to a smaller place (after we've had a bigger place, or just a place period), or what brand of adult diapers will be the most discreet.

I think that this bad habit of mine has kind of rubbed off on Steve. Over lunch we tried to figure out if we could afford to raise a family here with one less income and a mortgage payment, and what other options would be available for us. If we moved further away, how much would flights cost and which months would we visit family. And now I get an e-mail from Steve with the restaurants in Eugene, OR that have panang (making it an acceptable place to live).

I guess it's good to plan ahead, but all of these things are at least a few years off. Thousands of things could change, and worrying about it right now won't really help. Right now we should just be swimming at Oak Creek and eating fondue at Beaver Street Brewery and going to far off places whenever we get a chance. Our dog, house, baby, pre-school choices and college funds for our grandchildren will all fall into place in due time. Wow, I almost convinced myself with that one.

Date: 5/1/07
Distance/Time: 0 miles in 0 minutes
Pathetic Excuse: Tired, hungry, two episode of Gilmore Girls to watch...


Anonymous said...

I'm curious. Why Eugene?

Steve said...


Honestly I don't know. It is not like I have ever been there. We were just looking at college towns in regions with think we'd enjoy. In other words, I was very bored at work.

Mark A Hanna said...

Welcome to the quest for the now. I will look forward with great interest to learning about the discoveries you make in the process.